Globetrotter by Harold Emert

Noite de estreia do Roxy Dinner Show em Copacabana

Minha conclusão sobre a vida nesta idade avançada é que as coisas andam em ciclos apenas com variações ou “não há nada de novo sob o sol”.E foi isso que pensei na noite de quinta-feira, quando assisti à noite de abertura do que já foi o meu e de outros (que moram em Copacabana, Rio […]

Opening Night at Copacabana´s Roxy Dinner Show

My conclusion about life at this late age is that things go in cycles only with variations or “there is nothing new under the sun.” And that´s what I thought on Thursday evening when I attended opening night at what once was my and others (who reside in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro) beloved Cinema Roxy […]

Pianisimo:16-year-old Turkish piano prodigy at the Copacabana Palace Theater

One week before the Material Gal, Madonna and her estimated 1.5 million fans are about to invade the beaches of Copacabana, the theater of Rio de Janeiro´s iconic Hotel Copacabana Palace is hosting a series of young virtuoso pianists. Friday evening (26 April) Turkish wiz, Can Sarac, 16, astonished local audiences with an impeccable technique […]

Pianisimo: prodígio do piano turco de 16 anos no Teatro Copacabana Palace

Uma semana antes de a Material Gal, Madonna e os seus cerca de 1,5 milhões de fãs invadirem as praias de Copacabana, o teatro do icónico Hotel Copacabana Palace, no Rio de Janeiro, recebe uma série de jovens pianistas virtuosos.Na noite de sexta-feira (26 de abril), Can Sarac, de 16 anos, surpreendeu o público local […]

A Falecida (The Deceased), still a modern tragedy by Brazil´s Euripedes, Nelson Rodrigues at the Copacabana Palace Theater

Today with artificial intelligence taking over many aspects of life, this theatre-lover would like to suggest to the able producers and directors of an outstanding production of Nelson Rodrigues “The Deceased” that they find a means via headphones to translate simultaneously in various languages for tourists this “Carioca tragedy” by a Brazilian theatrical genius. For […]

Maestro, a fitting cinematic tribute to Leonard Bernstein

It is three hours since I have returned from viewing a film which has deeply touched me: Bradley Cooper´s “Maestro” about the life of the Mozart of our time, American composer, pianist and Maestro Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990).I hesitate to predict that the film– produced by Stephen Spielberg and Martin Scorsese among others–will run away with […]